Ukrainian Pension Forum

27 — 28 January 2021
15:00 — 17:30
Format: online

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Ukrainian Pension Forum - this is an expert platform that will become a powerful starting point and base for the development of Ukraine's pension strategy with the main goal to improve the quality of life for retired people and protect their rights. We unite society to create a dignified aging stage in Ukraine.

Some facts

11,3 million
pensioners and this is 1/3 of the population of Ukraine
< 3 000 UAH
is monthly pension for 60% of pensioners
72 years
average life expectancy in Ukraine

Speakers of the Ukrainian Pension Forum


Forum program

Day 1
January the 27th

The life model of a retired person in Ukraine - current situation. Services and creating conditions for a comfortable life
14:30 - 15:00
Connection, registration

15:00 - 15:15
Olga Bondarenko
Forum initiator

Welcome speech. Download presentation

First Panel
Retired life in Ukraine. International standards and experience


Maryna Lazebna
Minister of Social Policy of Ukraine

The role of the state in the life of a retired person. Pension provision for citizens today and in the future. Download presentation

Ella Libanova
Institute of Demography and Social Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Understanding of the demographic situation in Ukraine for strategic decision making.

Oleksiy Lyubchenko
Head of the State Tax Service of Ukraine

Taxation and pensions. Download presentation

Oleksandr Sidorenko
Expert of the International Institute on Aging (UN-Malta), Member of the Advisory Board of the Joint Programming Initiative of the European Union on Aging

World demographic aging. A society for everyone. Madrid Plan of Action on Aging. Download presentation

Kenichi Hiros
Senior Social Security Specialist, International Labor Organization

Adequacy of providing pensioners according to the international standards. UN Convention on Social Security (№102). Recommendations on social protection (№202). Download presentation

Morten Rasmussen
Director of the Danish Association Danish.Care

Elderly Care and Assisted Living in Denmark. Download presentation

Dominik Komorek
Ministry of Family and Social Policy of Poland

Poland's new pension system. Experience of reform. Download presentation
Second panel

Services for people of retirement age. The changes that must be done


Vira Chaikovska
Professor, MD, Institute of Gerontology after D.F. Chebotaryova of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine

Scientific base of Ukraine for the study of aging. Preparing of a person for retirement. Download presentation

Zhanna Savrilova
Rector and Project Manager of the University of the Third Age since 2009

Creating opportunities for development and learning in retirement.

Anna Zakharash
Kyivstar Corporate Communications Director

The program "Smartphone for parents". Access of pensioners to online opportunities. Download presentation and video

Larysa Pakhomova
sports director of the Sport Life sports clubs network

The importance of maintaining an active lifestyle. Creating a state program - "Sports for retirees".

Iryna Pinchuk
Director of the Institute of Psychiatry of Kyiv National University named after Taras Shevchenko

The importance of mental health for the elderly. Creating a preventive state program for depression, dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

Oksana Dautova
Chief Operational Director of Charitable Foundation "Let`s help!"

Geriatric services in Ukraine. Necessary changes and creation of conditions for development. Download video presentation

Anatoliy Tsarenko
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Palliative and Hospice Medicine of the National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education named after P.L. Shupika

Palliative and hospice care for the elderly in Ukraine. Creating conditions for achieving the maximum quality of life for palliative patients of retirement age. Download presentation

Iryna Kurylo
Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Institute of Demography and Social Research

Confronting demographic change. A set of measures to support the elderly. Implementation of the strategy of state policy on healthy and active longevity for the period up to 2022. Download presentation
Day 2
January the 28th

Ensuring the lives of people of retirement age. Economic basis for pension savings and investments. The culture of aging of the population
First panel

Pension reform. Economic basis for pension savings and investments


Serhiy Marchenko
Minister of Finance

PFC budget deficit

Vitaliy Melnychuk
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Expert on Pension Reform

Pension reform of Ukraine. Perspective and fulfilment

Vitaliy Lomakovych
Advisor to the Minister of Finance of Ukraine, Founder and Chairman of the Board of GROWFORD INSTITUTE

The state as a guarantor of creating safe conditions for pension savings. Download presentation

Serhii Fursa
Investment banker, Dragon Capital Retirement domestic investor

Retirement savings as a driver of economic launch and stock market development in Ukraine

Hryhoriy Ovcharenko
Chairman of the Board of the All-Ukrainian Association of Non-State Pension Funds

Private pension provision in Ukraine. Efficiency and reliability of the NPF operation model in Ukraine. Download presentation

Taras Kozak
Founder and president of the investment company Univer

Investment instruments for pension savings
Second panel

Communication with society. The culture of aging of the population


Petro Chernyshov
Member of the Supervisory Board of PJSC "PHARMAC"

What will your life look like in retirement? Strategic thinking in life, not just in business

Lydia Ozadovska
Charitable Foundation "Let`s Help!"

The formation of values begins in childhood. Volunteers Program. Download presentation

Olga Musiyko
HR Director of 1 + 1 media

Age discrimination. Ageism. Stereotypes of the society. Download presentation or information about project

Tetyana Tregobchuk
PR Director of 1 + 1 media Project

"Forget about age". Download presentation or information about project

Iryna Baranenko
Co-founder of the Charitable Foundation Starenki

How to bring people together to support old people

Natalia Zakashanska
Founder of Galagan Strategic communication with society

How to change the attitude to retirement age in Ukraine

This conference will be useful for:

Journalists and media
Ukrainian society

Registration for
Ukrainian Pension Forum

January 27 - 28, 2021
Field of activity
* - required fields

Lidiya Ozadovska
PR manager
+380 (96) 087 07 97

Charitable Foundation "Let's help!"
member of
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Branding agency Galagan
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Orbiter Agency