Expert and a member of the working group of the Directorate of Quality of Life of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine on palliative and hospice care. Since 2010 during his work at the Department of Palliative and Hospice Medicine of Postgraduate Education in Shupyk National Medical Academy and in international projects he has gained significant experience in preparing training programs for different categories of students, conducting cycles of thematic improvement for more than 3 thousand doctors and nurses, conducting trainings, seminars, conferences and other educational events as a teacher / trainer, including in a remote format.
Deputy Chairman, Member of the Board, Acting Chairman of the Kyiv city organization of the NGO "Ukrainian League for the Development of Palliative and Hospice Care".
Author and co-author of more than 200 scientific publications and 50 curricula, textbooks, textbooks for medical and social workers, volunteers, URCS employees and the general population. Co-author of the textbook "Palliative and hospice care" for students of higher medical education (2017) and textbooks "Current issues of palliative and hospice care in the practice of family medicine: a textbook for doctors-interns and doctors-students of institutions (faculties) of postgraduate education (2017) and "Palliative Care: Organizational, Pharmaceutical and Clinical Aspects of Anesthesia" (2019).